I’m very dedicated when it comes to my accessories and jewellery. I only wear what I truly love, and when I truly love it, I wear it all the time. And so it went with my X Jewellerybracelets. X Jewellery is the brandI designed four bracelets for last year – which are in fact available as we speak, and with a few additions like the one I’m wearing today. These four bracelets I designed have literally been on rotation around my arm. In combination with the bracelets I already have, they always seem to be the perfect add-on. They basically go with everything I love, and that’s what makes me love them even more.
Getting back on track with my search for “the perfect watch” – which I committed myself to at the start of this summer – and slowly getting to the point where I know what I like AND – most importantly – what suits me, watch-wise… Cause you might remember, I have very special requirements when it comes to the size and the style of a watch. My pickiness goes as far as me rejecting to wear a watch at all, until I find the perfect one…
Twirling under the Greek sun on Mykonos is what I would rather be doing right now, but here I am, bound behind my laptop, trying to work my way through a gazillion emails… Positive thing though is that I finally get to upload all the AMAZING photos I’ve taken over the past three weeks. Because what all started with a beauty trip to London and ended at Couture in Paris, had an amazing intermezzo in Mykonos, with the alluring Zimmermann-team and Net-a-Porter squad, who invited me and a bunch of hot girls to celebrate their 10 years of collaborating together. Well, what else does a girl want, right?
With a wardrobe full of little gems there’s not much more to wish for. Though those gems are most likely to be found in my shoe and bag “department”, as I lately came to realize, my “personal style” is terribly represented in the clothing section of my wardrobe…
I’ve travelled quite a bit, and I count myself as one of the lucky ones who has actually lived in some of the most amazing cities in the world. Some with beautiful summers, some less fun, but summer in New York, I think, is a kind of summer like there’s nowhere else.