Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. I’m Charlotte, originally from The Netherlands but just moved to New York after four years London. It was only after working with several fashion blogs in my former job that I realized I wanted to start my own. Obviously there were many amazing ones out there, but I wasn’t always convinced by the quality and the “real-factor”. I myself loved the personal style blogs – which gave me a true feeling about the person – the most. Not much later I jumped into the deep and launched hgpfibhi.top. There is no exciting story about the name. It was literally that Thomas – my husband – and I were brainstorming for names and while doing this he noticed our electric guitar standing in the living room. “Why wouldn’t I do something with that” he said, and I did. And even though there is no fancy story behind the name of my blog, I still feel good about it. It’s my brand name and we became one.
Over the past four years my blog became my full-time job. From the start I spent every available second on it. This became a bit tougher when I had my little boy James back in January 2012. Suddenly I was a mother and had my own business. I quickly learned that I had to become a master in planning in order to make this work. Thomas has always been very supportive, which gave me the space and freedom to keep doing what I love. I believe it makes me the best mom I can be.
In October 2013 our little girl Stella was born. Another nine months of fashion inspiration passed. This made that my blog became a frequently visited place for mothers-to-be as well. Tons of questions and style advice followed. Then my speedy marriage came, and we moved to New York. This resulted in many request to help you find your perfect dress, wedding shoes to dance the night away, and even my attendance on bachelor parties was requested. Suddenly I realized that my blog not only became part of me, but that I also became of the life of many amazing women. This feels beautiful and I’m more than thankful for your loyalty over the years.
We are currently based in New York, and we are living and loving every second of it. Business-wise this is the best place for me to be. Being a blogger – or influencer as they call it here – is a very interesting and fast developing business. This comes with great opportunities. I have the chance to work with my favorite brands, designers, and expand my business. However, what started as a thing on the side and turned into a real job doesn’t make that I’ve changed my believes and blog-ethics. Most important is still that what you see is real, that it is me. And it is. Collaborating with brands is how I pay for my bills and designers shoes, but I will never do it only for the money – no matter how badly I want those Celine shoes! If there is no connection between me and a brand, there is no way we can work together. Only this way I can stay true to myself, and bring you true inspiration every day.
Having your own business comes with self-motivation, every day. Thanks to my amazing readers – yes you – I never had problems with this. Going forward, if there is anything you would like to see on my blog in the future, make sure to tell me. Or, if you wish to discuss a collaboration, just email me at [email protected]
Thanks again for reading my blog, and I hope we will maintain our relationship in the future!
For collaboration AND advertising inquiries, please email [email protected]
Do you want to write/work for us, please email [email protected]